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The Lesson of the Stove


The Lesson of the Stove

For almost the path two decades, my spiritual walk has afforded me many insights into the Divine and my relationship with it. Concepts I once believed so concretely, I would later deem as merely childsplay. And concepts and ideas I would never have considered as truth, I would discover were closer to truth than what I previously believed. However, in all of this, I have, in varying degrees, wrestled with my fundamental dualistic conditioning.


"...Help my unbelief!" - Finding Faith Amidst Uncertainty

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"...Help my unbelief!" - Finding Faith Amidst Uncertainty

There comes a time, every so often, when wrestling with what I truly believe, don't believe, and want to believe comes to a head. As my word this year is "Faith," 2016 is one of those times. Over the past 23 years, I have discovered one simple truth - for every well thought-out, researched, and staunchly believed religious tenet, there is an opposing side that is just as well thought-out, researched, and staunchly believed. It is true what they say, "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one!"

At present, I feel the need to just write. Write what's coherent. Write what's incoherent. Pen down my anger and frustration. And write whatever else is on my heart and mind. As Shrek once said, "There's more room out than in."

This post is part struggle, part rant, part getting it out - making room, part brain-dump, and just part "UGH"!

I am purposefully making no attempt at trying to be spiritually enlightened in this post, just spiritual and honestly frustrated. I guess, one could say, it's the wrestling that leads to the light.

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Be Still...


Be Still...

I can't hear myself think! No, no, more accurately, my mind and senses are being inundated and I'm processing so much that I can't hear much else.

This year has seemingly been nothing less than a growing crescendo of cacophonous noise! I watch and listen as our communities, our country, and our world tirelessly careens from one scandal to another injustice to another protest, riot, act of terror, social political circus act, and ultimately war, and death.



The Sage, The Minister, and The Psychic - [Part 1]

Spirit has many ways of communicating with us on the mortal plain - this physical manifestation of Spirit's highest dreaming, thoughts, and aspirations.

The most common way that Spirit speaks to me is through echos. I define echos as recurring messages from various sources over a period of time. The message could be repeated several times in a single day or over a course of several months. The time and frequency varies but the messages remain consistent.
