I can't hear myself think! No, no, more accurately, my mind and senses are being inundated and I'm processing so much that I can't hear much else.
This year has seemingly been nothing less than a growing crescendo of cacophonous noise! I watch and listen as our communities, our country, and our world tirelessly careens from one scandal to another injustice to another protest, riot, act of terror, social political circus act, and ultimately war, and death.
It has been 8 months since I last updated my personal blog. And there have been several reasons for this: I have been so busy promoting my business - Spiritual Eros, most of my writing has been as educator and promoter of Spiritual Eros, yet the biggest reason I haven't written is fear.
The truth is hard to tell sometimes. It's exposing. It's vulnerable. And It might create an atmosphere that might be rife with judgment, cynicism, and ridicule. But I have always believed that the truth sets us free. It moves us onward and out of the darkness, out of the shadows, out into the light. It freshens the air and, for a while, gives us a new perspective on life.