Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old.
Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it?
I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
-Isaiah 43:18-19
What Was!
In 2008 I accurately predicted that, then, Senator Barack Obama would become the next President of the United States of America. I wrote about it fairly extensively in my livejournal blog. You can find that here! It was an 11 part series called "The Moment of our Visitation." For me, the election of the first black President was far more significant than its racial overtones suggested. I perceived that something was afoot within the minds and hearts of the American people. Our consciousness was changing - shifting. We were waking up more. And after 8 years of Obama, I still believe that this was (and is currently) the case.
What came with Obama was an opportunity that many - ancestors and the living alike, longed to see manifest. The movement was not about the man, the candidate, the first black Presidential nominee. The movement was about "US," the American people. Barack Obama was correct to capitalize on the Hopi Elder's phrase, "We are the ones we've been waiting for."
"You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered…This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water...The time of the one wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word ’struggle’ from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for."
Since then much progress has been made in political policy, the economy, social justice, our international image, among other advancements. The election of Obama was celebrated the world over. However, his election also marked the increase of racism, sexism, xenophobia, and congressional obstruction. America's shadow had long existed before Obama took office. But with his Presidency, which marked a huge step forward in our collective consciousness, it also came with its share of demons. Much of what has crawled out from our gutters can not be laid at the feet of Obama. These are things, now, that we as a people must now face and reconcile.
And it is time that we should!
What Is!
I accurately stated that Hillary was not ready for the office in 2008 (against many of my colleagues and friends at the time who were in sole support of her). The movement that sprang up around her was more about her. The movement that sprang up around Obama was about the people- "Yes We Can." I also did not support Bernie Sanders as a Presidential nominee, not because I did not agree with the majority of his platform positions, I did! I didn't foresee him having the characteristics and disposition to hold the office or to get much done policy wise. His movement, in my opinion, although noble, wise, and just, was ill-lead and ill-prepared. He threw a match in a barn full of hay but was not appropriately able to channel the blaze once it started.
Hillary learned a great deal from her defeat in 2008 and buttressed by the vulgar campaign of Donald Trump, realized that her campaign must be about the people. Hence, "Stronger Together" was born. But that is not why she will win the Presidency. There's something greater afoot than two Presidential candidates throwing proverbial punches. I wrote before why Trump will lose the election here. But my explanation in "Salt and Sugar" was only part of the reason he will lose.
Just like it was not Hillary's time in 2008, it is also not Trump's time in 2016. Trump represents the dying of a top-down, overly penetrative, diabolical spirit of masculine energy void of a feminine balance and counterpart. In her book "Uniting Sex, Self, and Spirit," Genia Pauli Haddon illustrates that ALL humans consist of four energetic quadrants:
- Yin Feminine (or Yin Yin)
- Yin Masculine (or Yin Yang)
- Yang Feminine (or Yang Yin)
- Yang Masculine (or Yang Yang)
She states that "the yang-masculine is represented by the penis, with its expanding and penetrating function...Overemphasis results in a driving, rapacious, coercive, argumentative style. We can expect such a person to be intrusive, rigid, deprecating, punitive, cutting, undercutting, judgmental, and exhibitionist."
This era of human history is greatly characterized by this extreme patriarchal disregard. Many call it rape culture, but it's more than how men treat women. This era is marked by the violation and depressing (to press down, squash, squelch, extinguish) of the feminine characteristics in all manner of life. This is exhibited through our relationships, our communities, our politics, as well as our relationship with the Earth. But what's more destructive is how we as individuals consciously disregarded the feminine quality in ourselves.
This is coming to an end! More balance is on horizon!
What is Yet to Come!
Hillary Clinton will win the 2016 Presidential Election!
Understand, like Obama before her, this election is NOT about her. What is on the horizon is the return of the feminine, the mother within our greater consciousness. Our mothers, our daughters, our sisters, and our own feminine must be honored. It has already begun under Obama. I think of him as the bridge from where we were to where we are headed. Again, these spiritual movements are larger than any one person and greater than any one persona. That is why, issues of corporeal significance like emails and investigations, I believe, pail in light of what's truly important and what's truly in the heart. Yes, Hillary has political baggage; there's hardly a politician who doesn't. But it is my greatest belief that at the spiritual/heart core of Hillary is something that Spirit can use to propel us all forward.
Hear me! There is nothing wrong or evil about the masculine! Just like the masculine can be "overemphasized" so can the feminine. This election and the future is not about replacing patriarchy with matriarchy, but creating and supporting a more balanced relationship between the two! The experiment of the oppressed become the oppressors is an old one. Hillary's election, much like Obama's before her, is also the answer to many ancestral prayers and desires. And, it is my belief, that because we are in an age where our ability to sense the move of Spirit is greatly diminished, physical representations must be provided. Hillary is the next representative of what's to come - the integration of the feminine qualities of all of us and our way back to our first physical mother - Mother Earth and the Divine Mother and Father of us all.
It is my belief that many will miss the significance of this next spiritual step. The campaign has been riddled with so many varying distractions to numb and blind us and our spiritual perceptions. But come it will. It is time!
What We Must Do!
Stay engaged!
There is no other way to put it. We are notorious for electing magicians and wizards who can wave their magic wands and right all the ills of the world and all that plagues us. This is not how democracy works! We must stay engaged. We can not solely expect Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren to hold Hillary to her platform. We must all do our part. In 2008 we had this same experiment and we left Obama at the altar. We reneged on our commitment to him. We went from "Yes We Can" to "Yes You Can." He tried to keep us engaged in our own governance but we were far too busy and too lazy, after a long campaign season, to really care anymore.
This must not happen now! Especially now! For many, the character of Hillary is questionable. But to have such a momentous occasion be squandered due to the lack of our citizenry duty would be both a slander to the issues that were brought up during this campaign and the past 8 years and a show of complete disregard to the democracy that so many of us say we believe in. Change does not just happen. It must be worked at. It must be practiced.
We must be and continue to be the change we want to see in the world! Let us not allow this moment, once again, to slip by as we slip into numbing slumber once more.
It is time to wake up!
Be well!